👋 Each of these "blocks" can be used to build out email templates by copying the code on the left. Each block is a Table Row (<tr>) that can be re-arranged and nested within the new wrapper template's body.
This replaces the email Wrapper on a site to update the overall style. You may need to update the logo URL / alt name and dimensions on your site. The Wrapper intentionally has no padding on the body – padding should be added to the email body for each email instead.
Welcome message used across most notifications. Put inside the Body/Internal contents section within the wrapper.
A full-width button for a call to action. Has special code for Microsoft Outlook styles hidden in an if statement (so you have to update the text and link twice).
A flex-width button for a call to action (size based on the text). Has special code for Microsoft Outlook styles hidden in an if statement (so you have to update the text and link twice).
A full-width line with padding to divide sections of the email.
A callout for sections of an email or alerts containing relevant information. Can change colours to indicate neutral, positive, warning etc. Includes an icon (needs to link to an image) and text.
A full-width table with styles for task data etc.
An image that responds to the size of the email body (shrinks on mobile). Can have a max-width set.